Thrombocytopenia is a condition characterized by abnormally low levels of platelets, also known as thrombocytes, in the blood. A normal human platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. Platelet clumping in blood samples (as evident in peripheral blood smears) will falsely decrease the platelet count regardless of counting method, and in some instances, may result in a pseudothrombocytopenia. 血小板減少症(thrombocytopenia)は、血液中の血小板が異常に少ない事を特徴とする病態である 。 血小板減少症は、集中治療患者に最も多く見られる凝固障害であり、内科系患者の20%、外科系患者の3分の1に見られる 。 ヒトの血小板数の正常値は、血液1μlあたり150,000~450,000個である 。 This is usually a consequence of difficult venipuncture, but may also occur in blood collected.
A normal human platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood.
This is usually a consequence of difficult venipuncture, but may also occur in blood collected. A normal human platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. It is the most common coagulation disorder among intensive care patients and is seen in 20% of medical patients and a third of surgical patients. 血小板減少症(thrombocytopenia)は、血液中の血小板が異常に少ない事を特徴とする病態である 。 血小板減少症は、集中治療患者に最も多く見られる凝固障害であり、内科系患者の20%、外科系患者の3分の1に見られる 。 ヒトの血小板数の正常値は、血液1μlあたり150,000~450,000個である 。 Platelet clumping in blood samples (as evident in peripheral blood smears) will falsely decrease the platelet count regardless of counting method, and in some instances, may result in a pseudothrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia is a condition characterized by abnormally low levels of platelets, also known as thrombocytes, in the blood.
It is the most common coagulation disorder among intensive care patients and is seen in 20% of medical patients and a third of surgical patients. This is usually a consequence of difficult venipuncture, but may also occur in blood collected. 血小板減少症(thrombocytopenia)は、血液中の血小板が異常に少ない事を特徴とする病態である 。 血小板減少症は、集中治療患者に最も多く見られる凝固障害であり、内科系患者の20%、外科系患者の3分の1に見られる 。 ヒトの血小板数の正常値は、血液1μlあたり150,000~450,000個である 。 Thrombocytopenia is a condition characterized by abnormally low levels of platelets, also known as thrombocytes, in the blood. Platelet clumping in blood samples (as evident in peripheral blood smears) will falsely decrease the platelet count regardless of counting method, and in some instances, may result in a pseudothrombocytopenia.
It is the most common coagulation disorder among intensive care patients and is seen in 20% of medical patients and a third of surgical patients.
It is the most common coagulation disorder among intensive care patients and is seen in 20% of medical patients and a third of surgical patients. Platelet clumping in blood samples (as evident in peripheral blood smears) will falsely decrease the platelet count regardless of counting method, and in some instances, may result in a pseudothrombocytopenia. 血小板減少症(thrombocytopenia)は、血液中の血小板が異常に少ない事を特徴とする病態である 。 血小板減少症は、集中治療患者に最も多く見られる凝固障害であり、内科系患者の20%、外科系患者の3分の1に見られる 。 ヒトの血小板数の正常値は、血液1μlあたり150,000~450,000個である 。 This is usually a consequence of difficult venipuncture, but may also occur in blood collected. Thrombocytopenia is a condition characterized by abnormally low levels of platelets, also known as thrombocytes, in the blood. A normal human platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood.
This is usually a consequence of difficult venipuncture, but may also occur in blood collected. Platelet clumping in blood samples (as evident in peripheral blood smears) will falsely decrease the platelet count regardless of counting method, and in some instances, may result in a pseudothrombocytopenia. It is the most common coagulation disorder among intensive care patients and is seen in 20% of medical patients and a third of surgical patients. Thrombocytopenia is a condition characterized by abnormally low levels of platelets, also known as thrombocytes, in the blood. A normal human platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood.
This is usually a consequence of difficult venipuncture, but may also occur in blood collected.
Platelet clumping in blood samples (as evident in peripheral blood smears) will falsely decrease the platelet count regardless of counting method, and in some instances, may result in a pseudothrombocytopenia. It is the most common coagulation disorder among intensive care patients and is seen in 20% of medical patients and a third of surgical patients. This is usually a consequence of difficult venipuncture, but may also occur in blood collected. Thrombocytopenia is a condition characterized by abnormally low levels of platelets, also known as thrombocytes, in the blood. A normal human platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. 血小板減少症(thrombocytopenia)は、血液中の血小板が異常に少ない事を特徴とする病態である 。 血小板減少症は、集中治療患者に最も多く見られる凝固障害であり、内科系患者の20%、外科系患者の3分の1に見られる 。 ヒトの血小板数の正常値は、血液1μlあたり150,000~450,000個である 。
Platelet Clumping Pseudothrombocytopenia : Platelet clumping in blood samples (as evident in peripheral blood smears) will falsely decrease the platelet count regardless of counting method, and in some instances, may result in a pseudothrombocytopenia.. It is the most common coagulation disorder among intensive care patients and is seen in 20% of medical patients and a third of surgical patients. A normal human platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. Thrombocytopenia is a condition characterized by abnormally low levels of platelets, also known as thrombocytes, in the blood. 血小板減少症(thrombocytopenia)は、血液中の血小板が異常に少ない事を特徴とする病態である 。 血小板減少症は、集中治療患者に最も多く見られる凝固障害であり、内科系患者の20%、外科系患者の3分の1に見られる 。 ヒトの血小板数の正常値は、血液1μlあたり150,000~450,000個である 。 This is usually a consequence of difficult venipuncture, but may also occur in blood collected.
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